日本のドライブインと ほとんど同じですが、駐車場の前に 車に生活用品
(衣服・下着・鍋・釜)を積んで販売している人や 修理する人がいたりします。
た。 これは韓国独自の食べ方でしょうか~!^^
The drive-in is the almost same as Japan, but there are the person whom I load a lot of life articles onto
a car in front of the parking lot and sell and a person repairing it (clothes / underwear / a pan / a pot).
After all I saw it selling Toppoki(떡볶이) to the Snack food, a light meal in Korea. I watched "the persimmon" which I made the freezing in it.^^
We do not make "the persimmon" the freezing in Japan. Will it be frozen , how to eat Korean style ? !
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