今日から ipadが発売です♪In Japan was released today ipad ♪
近くの Apple Storeへ見に行きました。
韓国語の表示はできましたが、翻訳機に韓国語は 対応していません。
スタッフが 私のcyworldのblogを表示しました。手に持っています。^^
このように ipadの画面で見られ、嬉しかったです♪
I went to a nearby Apple Store to see.
Korean characters were able to see, but the keyboard and Korean translator is not supported.
Unfortunately, until the software is available in Korean, I'll be waiting!
If Korean available, would surely purchase.
It is very easy to use! ! ^ ^
Female staff "cyworld the blog" was displayed. Has in her hand. ^ ^
Do you understand me? Thus ipad screen to see a blog. ♪ I am very happy
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